Creating subsets by level

Level-based subsets are always static, never dynamic.

SeeDynamic and static subsets.

To create a subset by level:

  1. Open the Dimension Browser for the Products dimension.
  2. Click Subset Wizard.
  3. Click Subset by Level.
    The Subset by Level dialog displays the levels of the Dimension hierarchy.
  4. Select the levels to use for the subset.
    The elements at those levels of the hierarchy are displayed.
  5. Click OK.
    The Subset Wizard is displayed.
  6. Click OK to save the subset.
    The Save Subset dialog is displayed.
  7. Name the subset.
    To make the subset accessible to other users, click Public subset.

    To display the list elements non hierarchically, click Flat view. Flat view also enables users to rearrange, by drag & drop in the Dimension Browser, the order of the elements in a subset.

    If you select Navigation subset, you can expand consolidated elements within the subset. You can see all the elements, not only those specified when the subset was created.