Requirements page

Use the Requirements page to specify the requirement filters of the shipper and add parts to the shipper.

Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Ship From
The location from which parts are being shipped. The shipping origin.
Code representing the dock at the shipment destination (Ship To).
Test or Production
A part status. The purpose of a test is defined by the customer. Typical test requirements are a trial run with no production or shipment of parts required. Production parts are to be produced and shipped.
Requirement View
Number of days within which requirements must be due for them to display on the Add Line Item page. The Requirement view must be larger than the Ship Coverage so you can view demand due within a longer period of time than the demand you plan to ship against.
Ship Coverage
The number of days within which demand must be due for it to be included in the recommended ship quantity. Only demand that is due within the Ship Coverage displays in the Parts to Ship table on the Requirement Filter page. The parts selected in the Parts to Ship table will appear as line items on the shipper. On the Add Line Item page, the ship quantity for the selected part defaults based on the Ship Coverage. The Ship Coverage must be less than the Requirement View. If the Include Weekends check box is selected, the Ship Coverage days will include the weekend days. For example, if the current day is a Friday and the Ship Coverage is two days, only Friday and Saturday will be included, not Monday. If the check box is not selected, Friday and Monday will be included.
Transit Time
The length of time required for the shipment to reach its destination. The initial value displayed is the default transit time for the Ship From/Ship To combination entered in the Ship From record. If no default transit time exists, the entered time becomes the default. The transit time is used with the shipper creation date and time to generate an expected arrival date, which displays in the shipper header.
PO Number
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
Part number as established by the customer.
Customer-defined description of the part.
Suggested Ship Quantity
The number of units to be shipped. The quantity provided is calculated based on the procurement method, the ship coverage days and the in-transit time. Suppliers can override this suggested quantity.
Procurement Method
The method used to determine what is to be shipped.