Shipper Preview page

Use the Shipper Preview page to preview the shipper before it is published.

The name of company responsible for supplying and shipping the parts.
Ship From
The name of the supplier location from which shipments are sent to fulfill the demand of the customer. OR The location from which the parts are shipped.
Sold To
The name of the destination to which the parts are shipped.
Shipper/PKG List
The list of the shippers or packages.
Shipper No.
The unique number to identify the shipper. You cannot modify the number after the shipper is created.
Supplier ID
The customer-defined ID number to identify the supplier.
The Authorized Excess Transportation Cost. The code assigned by the customer indicating that the shipping cost which exceed contractual terms is permitted for the shipment.
AETC Responsibility
The party responsible for paying extra shipping costs associated with an Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) request.
Supplier Attached Files
To attach a file, click the Attach File Browse button. The system Choose File dialogue box displays. Navigate to the file attached and click Open. Click Attach File.
Facility ID
The ID number given by the customer to identify the Facility, when the Advance Ship Notice (ASN) is imported. These ID numbers are found in the Facilities of Setup module.
SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)
The SCAC code represents the carrier as defined by the National Motor Freight Association. The SCAC code is included in the shipper information and the Advance Ship Notice (ASN) report.
Pro Number
The carrier tracking number used to trace the shipments.
Dest ID (Destination ID)
The ID number given by the customer to identify the Ship To when the ASN is imported. These ID numbers are found in the Ship Tos of Setup module.
Transportation Method
The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) standard code that describes the method of conveyance.
Bill of Lading Number
The alphanumeric code issued by a carrier that references an individual shipment.
The freight payment terms for the shipment.
Vehicle Number
The number of the vehicle used for the shipment.
The name of the carrier.
Route Code
The customer-defined name or code to identify the route.
The code representing the dock at the shipment destination.
Quantity Shipped
The quantity shipped to the customer.
Lot Number
The numeric code representing the batch of parts that were manufactured at the same time with the same process.
Customer Part No.
The part number as defined by the customer
The detail information about the part.
PO Number
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
The explanation of the Master Containers/Detail Containers, Loose Containers, or Additional Packaging in the Shipment.
Total Quantity
The total quantity in the containers which is shipped to the customer.
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