Premium Freight Authorization page

Use the Premium Freight Authorization page to view the freight details.

Code representing the dock at the shipment destination (Ship To).
Fulfills Existing Requirement
Determines whether shipments against the authorization fulfills existing requirements (decrements quantity due) or it is not attached to a demand schedule. If Yes is selected, shipments made against the authorization fulfill existing requirements. If No is selected, the supplier can "overship" up to the authorization quantity.
AETC Number
The code assigned to the expedited shipment indicating that excess freight charges have been approved by the customer. The AETC Number displays in the header of the shipper and Advance Ship Notice (ASN) belonging to the expedited shipment.
Date and Time Required
When the parts are due at the customer location.
The user who created the premium freight authorization.
The party responsible for the excess cost associated with the shipment.
Estimated Cost
An estimation of what it will cost to send the shipment.
Actual Cost
The premium freight cost of the expedited shipment.
The company responsible for transporting the expedited shipment.
Date Entered
When the premium freight authorization was last published or saved.
Authorized By
The person in the company who authorized the expedited shipment.
Why the shipment is approved to be expedited.
Explanation of the premium freight authorization.
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