Delivery Performance Review page

Use the Delivery Performance Review page to view the delivery performance details .

You can modify the values in these fields after the DPR (Delivery Performance Review) is published:

In the Header Information tab

  • Charge
  • PO Number
  • Required Quantity
  • DPR Status

In the Reasons tab

  • Code
  • Description

In the Notes tab

PO Number
The purchase order associated with the requirements for which parts were shipped.
Issue Date
When the document was sent. Defaults to the current system date.
Delivery Performance Review ID
A unique identifier of the DPR.
Required Date
When the requirement was due.
Required Quantity
The number of parts required by demand.
DPR Status
Where is the DPR currently is in the DPR process.
Total Claim Amount
The sum of all the amounts to be claimed from the supplier, for all the claims.
Customer Attached Files
Attach new files or delete files attached to the Delivery Performance Review (DPR) data.
  • You must save the DPR before adding attachments.
  • You can only delete the files you have attached.
  • A mail alert is sent to the supplier, after a new file is attached.
Contact Name
The person at the supplier site responsible for responding to the DPR.
Response Required
Whether a corrective action is required of the supplier.
Response Due
The date by which the supplier is required to respond to the DPR with the corrective action.
Telephone number of the person entered in the Contact Name.
The name or code of the claim. You can define the claim code in the DPR Codes page.
The amount to be claimed from the supplier. You can modify the claim amount after the DPR is published. You cannot modify the claim amount after the DPR is closed.
The description of the claim code.
Commands Description
Add Opens the DPR Codes page that allows you to add the selected claim code to the DPR data.
Save Saves the DPR data.
Publish Publishes the DPR data.
Delete Deletes the claim code.
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