Price Mappings Tab

Infor CRM Back Office Extension only. Use the Price Mappings tab to view and manage the price mappings associated with a price service.

The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To open the Price Mappings tab, click the Price Mappings tab on the Price Service Detail view.

On this page you can:

  • View Price Mapping details: Click Name to open the Price Mapping Detail view.
  • Add a field mapping:
    1. Click (Add Pricing Mapping).
    2. Follow the steps for adding a price mapping.
      Note: To customize the price mapping, click the Customize link for the selected record. After you customize the price mapping, the Customize link is replaced with Edit link which indicates that the record has been customized. You can also use the Copy option to create copy of the existing price mapping.
  • Delete a price mapping:
    1. Select the record you want to remove and click (Delete PA Mapping).
    2. Click OK.