Adding a Price Mapping

Infor CRM Back Office Extension only. Price mapping provides a link between the pricing service and Infor CRM property.

Note: The system administrator and users with the appropriate role can access these features.

To add a price mapping:

  1. On the Price Service Detail view, click the Price Mappings tab. Click (Add Pricing Mapping).
    Note: To customize the selected price mapping, click the Customize link. The Customize link is replaced with the Edit link which indicates that the selected price mapping is customized. You can also use the Copy option to create copy of the existing price mapping.
  2. Complete the remaining information fields:
    Field Description

    The display name of the price mapping.

    Type a unique and descriptive name for the price mapping.

    Entity The Infor CRM entity associated with the price mapping.
    Entity XPath Specify the Pricing element XPath. The value specified is dependent upon the response content definition. Example: /DataArea/ItemPricesService
    Sync Direction

    Specifies how price mapping information is synchronized between Infor CRM and the integrated back office application.

    Click the Sync Direction drop-down arrow and select from the list.

    • Out - Data synchronizes from Infor CRM to the integrated back office application only.
    • In - Data synchronizes from the integrated back office application to Infor CRM only.
    • Both - Data synchronizes to and from Infor CRM and the integrated back office application.
    Is Custom Identifies whether or not a price mapping is custom and can therefore be modified.
    Property X Path Specify the Pricing property XPath. The value specified is relative to Entity XPath provided. Example: UnitBaseAmount
    Price Service

    The price service associated with the price mapping.

    Click the link to open the Back Office Detail view.

    (Not available from the Add Pricing Mapping dialog box)

    Description A brief description of the price mapping.
    Is Active Use this option to turn on or turn off synchronization for this price mapping.
    Is Required Use this option to identify if the mapping is required by Infor CRM.
  3. Click (Save).