Using the Shipped Product Fields

Use these fields to specify the information about the product being shipped to the customer as part of the return:

Box Description/Action
Received Product The product returned by the customer. Click (Find) and edit using the lookup.
Product SKU The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for the returned product.
Serial Number Displays the serial number for the returned product.
Return Existing Indicates whether the product being shipped back out to the customer is the same as the product the customer returned.
Product The product returned by the customer. Click (Find) button and edit using the lookup.
Product SKU The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for the product being shipped.
Serial Number Enter the serial number for the product being shipped if product is not the same as the product returned.
Shipped Once the assest has been shipped to the customer, you can select the Shipped check-box.
Shipped Date The date that the new or replacement product was shipped to the customer.

To edit, click (Calendar) to select the date.

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