Shipping History page

Use the Shipping History page to view shipment history statistics for specific parts. Clicking a shipper number shows the ASN with that shipper number.

Total Shipped Quantity
Total number of parts sent.
Last Ship Date
Date of the most current shipment.
Shipper Number
A unique number to identify the shipper. After the shipper is created, the shipper number cannot be edited. You can click the Shipper Number to view the corresponding ASN.
Ship Date
Date of which the shipment was created.
Bill Of Lading Number
The alphanumeric code issued by a carrier that references an individual shipment.
Ship Quantity
Amount of parts sent.
CUM Quantity
The cumulative quantity of parts shipped from the supplier up to and including the most recent shipment.
Purchase Order Number
The purchase order number of the shipment.
Purchase Order Line Number
The purchase order number line number involving the selected part of the shipment.
Pull Signal
The pull signal of the shipment.
Engineering Change Level
The engineering change level of the shipment.
Model Year
The model year of the shipment.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts were sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts were sent.
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