Shipping History Search Criteria page

Use the Shipping History Search Criteria page to define the search criteria.

Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts were sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts were sent.
Delivery Name
The name of the final delivery destination.
The part to be delivered.
  • The Part selection has two options: List Parts and Select Parts. One of these options must be selected to view results.
  • List Parts displays a list titled Part List. You can choose to view shipment history for all parts or a specific part.
  • Select Parts displays two text boxes titled Part Start and Part End. You can use the text boxes to view shipment history across a range of parts, starting with the entry in Part Start and ending with the entry in Part End, and the resulting part range is shown in the Part List. If only an entry in Part Start is defined, the part range will consist of only parts starting with Part Start's entry.
Purchase Order Number
The purchase order number of the shipment.
Pull Signal
The pull signal of the shipment.
Model Year
The model year of the shipment.
Engineering Change Level
The engineering change level of the shipment.
Ship Date From
The date range from which the shipper was created.
Ship Date To
The date range to which the shipper was created.
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