Ship Froms page

Use the Ship Froms page to view and update the ship-from details.

The name of the Ship From location. The name entered appears in selection boxes throughout the application and on shippers and ASNs.
Ship From ID
A unique identifier for the Ship From. If you incorporate Eclipz data into an ERP/MRP system, the Ship From ID must match the ID used in that system to identify the Ship From.
Contact Name
The person at your company responsible for the Ship From location who customers can contact. If a contact is not selected, the contact entered in the supplier preferences for the supplier location is used.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Transit Time
Transit time to the Ship From record
The address of the user location.
The name of the city to be specified in the address.
The name of the country to which the city belongs.
The name of state or the province to be specified in the address.
Postal Code
The postal code to be specified in the address.
Time Zone
The standard time of the location.
Weight Type
The default unit of measure used that the Ship From Location.
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