Personal account setup

As an individual user, you can customize the components of your user account.

  • User profile

    When your admin created your user account, you were assigned a login ID and password. This information is stored in the user profile with other personal preferences, such as date format and color theme. You can update these settings in the profile to customize the application to better fit your reuirements.

  • Product groups

    Product groups are user-defined sets of parts used to customize the EMC and alerts. By creating product groups, you establish sets of parts that you treat similarly within Supplier Exchange. By assigning product groups to events and alerts, you determine for which parts events display and email alerts are sent. As you define product groups, each part can belong to one and only one product group.

  • Email alerts

    Each user at your company can configure Supplier Exchange to send alerts of various events, such as your supplier publishing ASNs for early or late shipments, to your email address (which is stored in the user profile). Email alerts keep you connected to your account without having to constantly log into the application to check your account status. Using the product groups, you can further configure each alert to be sent for only certain parts.

  • EMC Display

    The Event Management console (EMC) provides a quick glimpse at the Supplier Exchange account when you first log in. The EMC tracks various events, such as late or early shipments, to quickly isolate process exceptions that require your attention.

    Individual users can configure the EMC to display only events that affect their daily work. You can select from a list of events to display as standard or priority items. The events available to you are based upon the role assigned by the admin. Using the product groups, you can further configure each event to display for only certain parts.

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