Shipment Status Update page

Use the Shipment Status Update page to view the in-transit history of the shipments.

Whether the shipment is early, late, or on time.
The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Ship From
The location from which parts are being shipped. The shipping origin.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Deliver To
Name of the delivery destination.
The ASN number of the shipment.
Shipping Date
The date on the shipper indicating when the shipment is to be sent.
Original Delivery Date
When the shipment was expected to arrive at the final destination (Ship To) at the time the ASN was published based on the route's transit time.
Estimated Delivery Date
When the shipment is currently expected to arrive at the final destination (Ship To) based on individual checkpoint transit times and the actual arrival dates at the checkpoint locations.
Status Revision Date
When a checkpoint status for the shipment was last updated.
Actual Delivery Date
The arrival date of the shipment based on when the shipment was received at the final destination (Ship To).
The difference between the Original Delivery Date and the Estimated Delivery Date.
Whether the shipment is early, late, or on-time arriving at the checkpoint based on the Estimated Arrival Date.
A significant location on a shipment's route.
Original Estimated Arrival Date
When the shipment was calculated to arrive at the checkpoint when the ASN was published.
Estimated Arrival Date
When the shipment is currently calculated to arrive at the checkpoint based on updated checkpoint information.
Actual Arrival Date
When the shipment arrived at the checkpoint.