File Status page

Use the File Status page to view the results of gateway import/export document activity. The list of documents can show a single document with multiple related entries. The details of the activity are displayed by clicking the Messages button.

File Type
A list of import/export document types. Incoming documents that are received by regular FTP or Van host profiles are all referred to as "Inbound" because they can contain more than one type, before they are split apart and processed
Starting File Creation Date
Starting File Creation Date
Current File Status
The file status indicates a Failure, Success, or Success with Exception
The stage indicates at which stage the file is in processing
Ending File Creation Date
Ending File Creation Date
Host Profile
A list of existing host profiles to filter import/export document activity
The message indicates a Failure, Success, or Success with Exception messages for the imported or exported files
The imported or exported file to view
The imported or exported file to download
A list of import/export document types. Incoming documents that are received by regular FTP or Van host profiles are all refered to as "Inbound" because they can contain more than one type, before they are split apart and processed
The file status indicates a Failure, Success, or Success with Exception
Creation Date
The date and time of the file created
Original File Name/Supplier Exchange File Name
Published original file name / generated file name
File Size
The size of the file (kb)
Host Name
The name of the host that is used for receiving or sending files. Specifying the host name allows you to distinguish between more than one computer profile in Supplier Exchange. Typically, the host machine is a desktop or server at the customer's location, but it can be a VAN.