Document Profile page

Use the Document Profile page to view and update the details of document profiles.

The host computer (computer profile) to which files are transferred. If 'None' is selected, no file transfer will be setup.
Document Type
The document that will be transferred, e.g. Material Release, ASN, etc. The available document types are determined by user type (customer or supplier) and whether the selected host is a VAN.
File Format
File format for the requirements and ship notices. If the host is a VAN, only X12 or EDIFACT can be selected.
Attach File
Indicates whether the file will be attached to an email notification. Available only if the host is not a VAN. If selected, a contact name must be selected to indicate who is to receive the email notification.
EMail Notification Effective Date
The date from which the email notification is effective.
Contact Name
The user to whom notification will be sent when the document type is published. Email notification is sent to the address entered in the user's user profile. Available only if the host is not a VAN. If the Attach File box is checked, the file will is sent as an email attachment. If at least one contact name is not selected, an email notification is not sent.