Defining metrics settings

Metrics are set up only once. If the scoring must be changed for future metrics reports, the scoring can be updated through the settings pages. These levels must be set up:

  • Overall Score. You determine which total point values are assigned each rating. The total points are the sum total of all the category points.
  • Categories. You determine which category total point values are assigned each rating. The category (such as Schedule Adherence) total points are the sum total of all the test points.
  • Tests. You determine how performance is rated and how many points each rating is worth. Using percentages you first assign a rating (80% - 100% on time is Excellent) and then a point value (Excellent is worth 10 points). By assigning higher points for various tests, you give them more weight to the category score and overall score.

To define metrics settings:

  1. On the menu click Supplier Performance > Set Up Metrics Categories.
  2. In the Category Scores table, click Edit next to the category to be edited.
  3. Specify the percentages or other numeric measurement for each rating.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Specify the overall score point values for the category.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. In the Overall Score table, click Edit.
  8. Specify the points for each rating, making sure that the highest end is equal to the total amount of points in all of the categories.
  9. Click Submit.