SMI Console Search Criteria page

Use the SMI Console Search Criteria page to define the search criteria.

The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
The customer user responsible for maintaining the specific part's inventory.

When attaching a planner to a part, previously entered planners can be selected from the list. To add a planner, select New and specify the planner's name in the field that displays.

Part number as established by the customer.
Inventory Status
How the on hand quantity compares to the maximum and minimum settings.
  • Under. Under the minimum.
  • Over. Over the maximum.
  • Out of Range. Either under or over.
Whether the part is used in manufacturing (Production) or for operations (Service).
An indicator of the part's purpose.
  • Consignment. The part is processed and returned.
  • Build-out. Model year build out; the part run is nearing its end.
  • None. Neither consignment or model year build out.
Sort Order
The order in which parts display on the console. For example, By Inventory Status or By Part.
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