Based on the customer configuration, the application can track CUM Required for either or both Material Releases and Shipping Schedules. The CUM calculations are based on the previous CUM sent by the customer. On Shipping Schedules, the previous CUM is always the quantity in the CUM Received (YTD) field. On Material Releases, the previous CUM can be in the CUM Required Prior, CUM Shipped (YTD), or CUM Received (YTD) field based on the customer configuration.

  • Net-to-CUM

    If the Net-to-CUM option is used, the customer sends net (discrete) quantities in the requirements. The CUMs are calculated by adding the net requirement quantities to the previous CUM sent in the demand schedule. CUMs are calculated and displayed next to the required quantities in the schedule view.

  • CUM-to-Net

    If the CUM-to-Net option is used, the customer sends CUM quantities in the requirements. The net required quantities are calculated by subtracting the previous CUM sent in the demand schedule (and previous requirements). Net quantities are calculated and displayed next to the CUM quantities in the schedule view.

  • Setting CUMs

    If CUMs are tracked, the CUM required quantities can be reset to zero through the application at the facility level. Additional schedule CUM quantities (Fabrication CUM, Material CUM, etc.) can be set through the application by part.

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