Login screen

The Login page is the page users access to log in to Supplier Exchange. Customers running a self-hosted version of Supplier Exchange can customize the Login page to include related messages, news items, and links. By modifying this page, customers can use this Supplier Exchange access page to communicate with internal users and their supply base.

  • Links. Links are hyperlinks to related sites or documents that display under the Links category on the page. Links consist of a title and web URL linking to the related site or document. An unlimited number of links can be created.
  • Messages. Messages are alerts that display in a yellow box above all other text on the page. These messages can be used to alert users to upcoming events such as planned Supplier Exchange maintenance and plant shut downs. An unlimited number of messages can be created.
  • News Items. News items are headlines and links to online news stories that display under the News category on the page. News items can be used to share publications about the customer company. News items consist of a date, headline, and a web URL linking to the related story. An unlimited number of news stories can be created.
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