Header Information tab

Use the Header Information tab to view and edit the header details.

Unique identifier of the PPAP report.
Checked By
The name or identification code of the person who tested the sample parts.
Whether or not the part meets requirements. Full Approval indicates that the part successfully meets all requirements. Provisional Approval indicates that modifications must be made to the part, but it has been tentatively accepted. Rejected indicates that the test part is unacceptable.
Sample Quantity
The number of parts tested.
PO Number
The purchase order associated with the requirements for which parts were shipped.
Due Date
When the part was due.
Engineering Level
Customer defined code indicating the required version of the part that is associated to the requirements.
Issue Date
When the document was sent. Defaults to the current system date.
Decision By
Name of identification code of the person responsible for the decision.
Decision Date
When the decision is required.
Receipt Quantity
The number of parts received in the shipment.
Receipt Number
The corresponding receipt, if any.
Receipt Date
When the shipment was received.
Blueprint Date
When the engineering blueprint for the part was developed.
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