File Status Detail page

Use the File Status Detail page to view the file status.

File Type
The type of file sent or received from Supplier Exchange. This field can have these values:
  • ASN
  • Receipt
  • Trigger File
  • Inbound
  • Miscellaneous Invoice
Current File Status
Indicates the success or failure of the file. This field can have these values:
  • All. Displays all the files
  • Success. Displays the files that are processed successfully.
  • Failed. Displays the files that are not processed successfully.
  • Success with Exception. Displays the files that are processed partially. The Stage field is set to Import File Stored With Exception.
Starting File Creation Date
The start date for the range you want to specify for the search criteria.
Ending File Creation Date
The end date for the range you want to specify for the search criteria.
The type of file.
Indicates the success or failure of the processing of the file.
Creation Date
The date when the file is created.
Indicates the stage of the file processing.
Original File Name/Supplier Exchange File Name
The name of the file.
File Size
The size of the file.
Commands Description
Submit Submits the search criteria to view the status of the files sent and received from Supplier Exchange.
Messages Displays the messages related to the failure or success of the file.
File Displays the content of the file.
Download Downloads the file.