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The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Deliver To
The address of the location to which parts are to be delivered.
Shipper No.
A unique number to identify the shipper. After the shipper is created, the shipper number cannot be edited.
The date the shipment will be sent. Defaults to the current computer system date.
Supplier Attached Files
An attached file that the supplier has included in the ASN, generated by the Shipper.
The number given to an ASN when a Shipper is sent by the supplier.
The date the ASN was imported or generated against the shipper the supplier has sent. Defaults to the current computer system date.
Supplier ID
The ID given by the customer, used to identify the supplier, facility and ship to when the ASN is imported. These IDs are found in the Setup module under Suppliers, Facilities, and Ship Tos respectively.
How the shipping costs will be paid. Freight payment terms including Collect, Prepaid, or Prepaid and Add.
Route Code
Customer-defined name or code to identify the route.
Pro Number
A carrier tracking number used to trace shipments.
The code assigned to the expedited shipment indicating that excess freight charges have been approved by the customer. The AETC Number displays in the header of the shipper and Advance Ship Notice (ASN) belonging to the expedited shipment.
Code representing the carrier as defined by the National Motor Freight Association.
Transportation Method
AIAG standard code that describes the method of conveyance.
Vehicle Number
Conveyance bill number, trailer number, or air freight number.
Code representing the dock at the shipment destination (Ship To).
Bill of lading number
The alphanumeric code issued by a carrier that references an individual shipment.
Quantity Shipped
Indicates the amount shipped to the customer and the unit of measurement.
Customer Part No.
Part number as established by the customer.
PO No.
The purchase order number associated to the requirements.
Eng. Level
Customer defined code indicating the required version of the part that is associated to the requirements.
Model Year
Code associated with the part that indicates to which run it belongs.
Lot No.
A numeric code representing the batch of parts that were manufactured at the same time with the same process.
Additional Information
Master or Mix Containers Qty
Detail Containers Qty
Loose Containers Qty
Additional Packaging Qty.
Lot No.
A numeric code representing the batch of parts that were manufactured at the same time with the same process.