Automation Designer - running automations from a command line

Once an automation is created using Automation Designer, it is normally run from within Transfer Desk. However it is also possible to run it from a command line. For example, in Windows, selecting Start > Run allows you to enter the command. You can use the same command line syntax when setting up a scheduler program such as NT Scheduler to run the automation on a scheduled basis. It can also be used in a SunSystems shortcut, in order to run a specific automation directly from SunSystems.

The syntax to run an automation, or a profile, from a command line is as follows:

SunSystems\ssc\bin\AutomationDesk.exe -p profile> -a <automation> -n -s -u user Id -x password 


  • SunSystems is the full path to your installation of SunSystems.
  • profile is the name of the profile defined in Transfer Desk.
  • automation is the name of the automation defined in Transfer Desk.
Uwaga: You can use the command line to run either a profile or an automation, but not both in the same command.

The parameter letters must be entered with a leading hyphen, and are used as follows:

  • p to run a profile. You must specify the filename and business unit in the profile before using this option. Alternatively, use -s profile to display a profile in Transfer Desk. This option enables users to set or reset any profile parameters, including the filename and business unit. The profile can then be run manually from Transfer Desk, if required.
  • a to run an automation.
  • n to run without displaying the Transfer Desk user interface. This might be useful, for example, if running automations using a scheduler.
  • s to run in single mode. This runs a single profile, in the Transfer Desk interface.
  • u to specify a user ID. This is required if you are not logged in to SunSystems or Global Security. However, even if you are logged in, it is recommended you specify a user when setting up a scheduled automation, so that it is always run by the appropriate user ID, whether or not you are logged in to Global Security at the time the schedule activates the automation.
    Uwaga: The user ID must be a member of one of the SunSystems Connect groups.
  • x to specify the password. This is only necessary if you specify a user ID.


The command line for an example automation might be as follows:

C:\program files\SunSystems\ssc\bin\AutomationDesk.exe -a Export2 -n -u NIC -x Hola


  • Export2 is the automation name as defined in Transfer Desk
  • NIC is a user Id that has been enabled to use SunSystems Connect
  • Hola is the password for user ID NIC.
Tematy pokrewne