Running manual exports

To export data from the SunSystems database to a file, select Transfer Desk (TRD) from SunSystems Windows client and run an export profile.

Data is exported to SSML format file, or to a user defined external format file.

By default, the export uses the file handling and runtime parameters defined on the selected profile. These are set to allow runtime entry or override of defined values. The profile specifies the following:

  • the file path and name
  • whether the export may over-write or append an existing file
  • runtime parameter values
  • data filtering requirements
  • data summarization and consolidation requirements.

The runtime values provided in the transfer profile record are used by Transfer Desk during the export process to select, sort and/or summarize the required data, and to output it to the required file.

If a parameter is set to allow runtime override, you can amend the values when you run the profile, before the export starts. These amended values are used during the export process, but are not saved back to the profile unless you amend them using Edit.

Transformations can also be attached to a profile. These allow the values in the data to be manipulated during the transfer process. One of the prime uses of transformations is to allow the transfer of non-SSML format data, by mapping the external data to SSML format. Transfer Desk understands the SSML format and no user defined transformation is required if the source data is in SSML format.

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