Transfer Desk - toolbar

The toolbar in Transfer Desk contains the following options:

Uwaga: Hover the cursor over a button on the toolbar to display its description.
  • Create a new import profile

    Creates an import profile and adds it to the list of profiles in the left pane of the Transfer Desk.

  • Create a new export profile

    Creates an export profile and adds it to the list of profiles in the left pane of the Transfer Desk.

  • Create a new process profile

    Creates a process profile and adds it to the list of profiles in the left pane of the Transfer Desk.

  • Create a new internal transfer profile

    Creates the new profile and adds it to the hierarchy pane in Transfer Desk.

  • Create a new external transfer profile

    Creates the new profile and adds it to the hierarchy pane in Transfer Desk.

  • Clone a profile

    Creates a new profile based on the selected profile and then adds it to the hierarchy pane in Transfer Desk.

  • Create a new automation

    Creates the new automation and adds it to the hierarchy pane in Transfer Desk.

  • Run the selected profile or automation

    Runs the selected profile or automation.

  • Transfer History Viewer

    Displays information about automations or profiles that have been run, showing the number that were processed successfully and the number that failed.

  • Delete

    Deletes a profile or automation from the profile hierarchy pane in Transfer Desk.

  • Refresh profiles and automations

    Re-displays the Transfer Desk window.

  • Configuration Export

    Exports configuration data and settings to backup all of the Transfer Desk data - automations, profiles, formats, transformations, filters and lookup tables.

  • Configuration Import

    Imports profiles, automations, formats, transformations, filters and lookup tables to build a new database.

  • Configuration Cleardown

    Clears all the data and settings from Transfer Desk.

  • Server Folder Management

    Displays Server Folder Management where you can manage folders and files in a dedicated Transfer Desk repository.

  • Format Designer

    Displays Format Designer where you can define the format of data in external (non-SunSystems) files.

  • Transformation Designer

    Displays Transformation Designer where you can define rules that allow data to be transformed before it is transferred and define file layouts for mapping data.

  • Lookup Table Designer

    Allows you to edit lookup tables, which are used by the transformations in Transformation Designer.