4th Currency

  1. Specify this information:
    Rate Type equal to Value 2
    This option is only relevant when the fourth character of the currency code is used to signify a rate type.
    If this option is set, a change in rate type for value 4 is copied to value 2.
    Calculate from Fourth Amount
    If this option is set, neither base currency nor transaction currency amounts in Ledger Import (LIM) and Ledger Entry (LEN) can be present without a fourth currency amount also being present, and fourth currency is used as the basis for calculations of amounts and rates.
    Clear when Fourth changed
    If this option is set, all non-fourth currency amounts and rates in Ledger Entry (LEN) are deleted if the fourth currency code or amount are amended.
    Consistent within Trans Ref
    If this option is set, the same fourth currency code is used in Ledger Import (LIM) and Ledger Entry (LEN) for all transaction with the same Transaction Reference.
    Default totals to Fourth
    If this option is set, the totals displayed in Ledger Entry (LEN) default to fourth currency totals.
    Absent rate returns to Fourth
    If this option is set, the cursor returns to the Fourth Currency Code field in Ledger Entry (LEN) if a required rate is not entered.
    Balance Fourth first
    If this option is set, priority is given to fourth currency when balancing in Ledger Entry (LEN) for:
    • presets and line validation, if period, transaction, or journal balancing is specified.
    • posting.
    Restrict recalc. of Fourth
    If this option is set, the fourth currency amount is not recalculated if conversion code, account, period, date or amounts are changed in Ledger Entry (LEN).
    Clear if Trans/Fourth changed
    This option determines how Ledger Entry deals with Value 4 when you modify an entered journal line if you change the Value 2 amount, and vice versa. If this check box is checked, and you change a Value 2 amount, then the Value 4 amount is blanked out; similarly, if you change a Value 4 amount, then the Value 2 amount is blanked out.
    Leave this check box unchecked to recalculate Value 4 on an entered line if Value 2 is modified, and to recalculate Value 2 if Value 4 is modified.
    Note: If either of the check boxes Calculate From Fourth Amount or Clear When Fourth Changed are checked, then the Clear if Trans/Fourth Changed is not activated in Ledger Entry.
  2. Save your changes.