Ledger Setup (LES) - Sequence Dimensions tab

The Sequence Dimension details are required if you want to generate and assign sequence numbers to transactions automatically. See Introducing Ledger Sequence Numbering for more information.

You can assign a different ledger sequence code to each system function, for example, Payment Run (PYR), Depreciation Calculation (FDC), and so on. If sequence numbering is set up for this ledger, but you do not need it for a particular function, specify '-' hyphen in the relevant function's field on this tab.

To specify the information on the Sequence Dimensions tab, select LES from the SunSystems navigator menu and click the Sequence Dimensions tab.

  1. Specify this information in the Transactions section:
    If transaction sequence numbers are required for ledger transactions, select the analysis dimension that is used to store the sequence numbers generated.
    You must have defined the analysis dimension using Analysis Dimensions (AND) and assigned it to the Ledger analyzable entity using Analysis Structure (ANS). A number of other steps are required to set up the sequence numbering. See Setting Up Transaction Sequence Numbering for more information.
    Note: The analysis dimension used must be set to a sufficient length to include the code you define, with leading zeros, and the name of the ledger sequence being applied.
    Payment Run
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Payment Run (PYR). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Payment Collection Run
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Payment Collection Run (PYC). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Transaction Matching
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Transaction Matching (TRM). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Payment Voiding
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Payment Voiding (PYV). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Ledger Revaluation
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Ledger Revaluation (LER). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Post Withheld Taxes
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Post Withheld Taxes (PWT). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Depreciation Calculation
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Depreciation Calculation (FDC). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
    Asset Disposal
    This is the sequence number code, defined in Ledger Sequences (LEQ), of the number sequence you want to apply to system journals generated by Asset Disposal (FAD). If you do not want to apply a sequence number to these system generated journals, but sequence numbering is set up for the ledger, enter '-' hyphen. Two full stops (periods) '..' indicates that you want to copy the sequence number from the original source transaction.
  2. Specify this information in the Daybook section:
    If automatic daybook sequence numbers are to be assigned to transactions when they appear on a definitive Daybook Listing (DYL), this is the transaction analysis dimension that is used to maintain the sequence numbers.
    You must have defined the analysis dimension using Analysis Dimensions (AND) and assigned it to the Ledger analyzable entity using Analysis Structure (ANS). See Assigning Daybook Sequence Numbers in the Financials online help for more information.
  3. Specify this information in the Tax section:
    The transaction analysis dimension used to store the tax codes that can be entered on transactions for tax reporting and calculation purposes. See Understanding the Automatic Tax Calculation Facility for more information.
    You must have defined the analysis dimension using Analysis Dimensions (AND) and assigned it to the Ledger analyzable entity using Analysis Structure (ANS).
    Tax on Settlement Discount
    If you have specified a tax analysis dimension, you can adjust the tax amounts when settlement discount is generated. If this option is set, the tax amounts are adjusted when settlement discount is generated. If this option is blank, the tax amounts remain unchanged.
    See Understanding the Automatic Tax Calculation Facility for more information.
    Settlement Discount on VAT
    If this option is selected, the tax amounts are adjusted when settlement discount is generated.
  4. Specify this information in the Apply Sequence Numbers section:
    Hard Posting Only
    If this option is set, transaction sequence numbers are only generated for permanent postings. They are not generated for provisional postings.
  5. Save your changes.