About Templates

An import/export mechanism for interfaces and interface groups comes in the form of templates.

Templates offer these functionalities:

  • Data can be imported in XML format. Using a text or XML editor, you can perform searches in templates.
  • Interfaces, interface groups, and searches can be integrated in templates.
  • One interface can be referred to in more than one template.

In the Templates overview window, to import and export templates, use the Import and Export buttons. Multiple packages can be selected.

To create a template, click New. To modify a template, double-click the template. You can add or remove interfaces, interface groups, and searches.

In the interface, interface group, and search selection dialog boxes, the entities in the left pane are those that do not belong to any template yet. If a group is added to a template, upon execution, all the interfaces that are in that group are also exported.

Infor Production Scheduling includes the following templates used for publishing data. These should have been copied during the installation.

  • ASCII Report Writer Template
  • ODBC Web Viewer Template
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