Move Local Customers

Use this utility to change an existing customer number at the local site to match a different customer number that exists (for the same customer) in another database site, when the sites share customer data through replication. The new customer number must not already exist in the local site.

Note:  This utility updates the customer number everywhere it exists in the system.

Suppose Sites A and B share customer data through replication. Site A contains Cust1, and Site B contains Cust2; but Cust1 and Cust2 are actually the same customer, with different numbers in the different sites. Since the number should match in both sites, you can change Cust1 to Cust2 in Site A. Using this utility, select Cust1 in the Current Customer list. Select Cust2 (of Site B) in the New Customer list. This moves the existing local customer record to a new local customer record. After processing, all records related to Cust1, such as sales orders, invoices, accounts receivable, and SROs are updated to specify Cust2 instead.

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