InputMaskPrompt property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Sets or returns a string value indicating what the prompt character is for a character missing in an input mask for a form component.

Set Syntax


  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.

Set Syntax

object.InputMaskPrompt = string

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form component object.
string Required. A literal value or reference to a one-character string to be used as the new prompt character.
注: Avoid using for the prompt character any character that might be used as part of the mask itself.


For the Get syntax, the return value is a one-character string indicating the current prompt character.


Sub Main()
   Dim maskPrompt As String
   maskPrompt = ThisForm.Components("gridColumn2").InputMaskPrompt
   Application.ShowMessage("The mask prompt character is: " & maskPrompt)
   ThisForm.Components("gridColumn2").InputMaskPrompt = "$"
   maskPrompt = ThisForm.Components("gridColumn2").InputMaskPrompt
   Application.ShowMessage("The new mask prompt character is: " & maskPrompt)
End Sub