Caption property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

  • IWSName interface
  • IWSFormComponent interface


Sets or returns a string that is the caption of the form or the label of the component.

Get Syntax


  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form or form component object.

Set Syntax

object.Caption = "string"

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a form or form component object.
string Required. The caption of the form or the label of the component.


In the Get syntax, the return value is the string being used as the caption or label.

Example for Form Objects

Sub Main()
   Dim myCaption As String
   myCaption = ThisForm.Caption
   Application.ShowMessage("The current caption for this form is " & myCaption & ".")
   ThisForm.Caption = "My Own Form"
   myCaption = ThisForm.Caption
   Application.ShowMessage("The new caption for this form is " & myCaption & ".")
End Sub 

See 「Example for Component Objects」.