LoadInReverse property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Indicates whether the collection is loaded in first-to-last order ([False]) or last-to-first order ([True]). The default is [False].

Get Syntax


  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to an IDO collection object.

Set Syntax

object.LoadInReverse = Boolean

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to an IDO collection object.
Boolean Required. A Boolean value indicating whether the collection is to be retrieved in ascending ([True]) or descending ([False]) order.


With the default behavior (this property set to [False]), using the initial Refresh action or exiting Filter-In-Place gets the top n rows, and the GetMoreRows method retrieves batches of n rows in descending order, appending them to the collection. If this property is set to [True], the initial Refresh gets the last n rows, and the GetMoreRows method retrieves batches of n rows in ascending order, prepending them to the collection.

注: When changing this setting, do not immediately call GetMoreRows. A call to Refresh or to leave Filter-In-Place should follow.


Sub Main()
   ' Loads the primary collection backwards
   If Not ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.LoadInReverse Then
      ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.LoadInReverse = True
   End If
End Sub