LastModalChildFindResult property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSForm interface


Returns a string containing the value returned to the parent form from the last modal child find form. Read-only.



  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to the parent form for the modal child find form.


The return value is a string containing the result returned to the parent form from the modal child find form. The return string uses the ~LIT~(...) syntax to denote the result from the modal child form that was returned to the parent form.

An example of a modal child find form is the query form that is displayed when a user right-clicks in a component and selects the [Find] command. The user uses the modal child find form to issue a query and find a value for the component. If the user selects a value from the results of the query and clicks [OK], then the selected value is returned to the component on the parent form.


Sub Main()
   Dim strFindResult As String
   strFindResult = ThisForm.LastModalChildFindResult
End Sub