CollectionCap property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSApplication interface


Returns or sets an integer value that indicates the maximum number of records to be retrieved when querying a collection.

Get Syntax


Set Syntax

Application.CollectionCap = integer


An integer value of [0] indicates that there is no limit to the number of records that can be retrieved. A value of [-1] indicates that the system default collection cap is to be used.

注: You can confirm the return value or that the value has been correctly set using the [User Preferences] window.


This example displays a message box that tells what the current collection cap is.

Sub Main()
   Dim colCap As String
   colCap = Application.CollectionCap.ToString()
   Application.ShowMessage("The current collection cap is " & colCap & ".")
End Sub

This example shows how to use this property to set the collection cap programmatically.

Sub Main()
   Application.CollectionCap = 75
End Sub