Quality Control Solution Home - Navigator Tab

The Navigator tab on the QCS Home form includes these fields and tabs described here. The majority of the information on these tabs is read-only. The fields on this tab allow you to choose an Item, Ref Type, or Date to filter results by those criteria.

Supplier Receivers Tab - This tab displays Supplier Receivers and the associated QCS Transactions.

CO Receivers Tab - This tab displays Customer Order Receivers and the associated QCS Transactions.

RMA Receivers Tab - This tab displays Customer RMA Receivers and the associated QCS Transactions.

IP Job Receivers Tab - This tab displays IP Job Receivers and the associated QCS Transactions.

IP PS Receivers Tab - This tab displays IP PS Receivers and the associated QCS Transactions.

MRRs Tab - This tab displays QCS MRRs.

CARs Tab - This tab displays QCS CARs.

TRRs Tab - This tab displays QCS TRRs.

CMRs Tab - This tab displays QCS CMRs.

COCc Tab - This tab displays QCS COCs.

Topic Management Tab - This tab displays QCS Topics.

Change Management Tab - This tab displays QCS Change Requests.

Customer Complaints Tab - This tab displays QCS Customer Complaints.

QC Gauges Tab - This tab displays QCS Gauges.

Disposition QC Receiver Tab - This tab displays a grid based representation of the QCS Supplier Vendor Performance Report. It can be filtered by Vendor and transaction date.