Inserting Merge Fields in a Template

To insert SLX merge fields in a template:

  1. Place the cursor in the template where you want the merge field located.
  2. Click Insert SLX Field.
    The menu opens with commonly used Infor CRM merge fields.
  3. Select a field name.
  4. Click More SLX Fields to access additional Infor CRM merge fields.
  5. To preview the merged template, on the toolbar, click Preview.
    This merges information from the current contact into the template. You cannot edit or save a template from the Preview window. Close the preview window when viewing is complete.
  6. On the toolbar, click Save or Save and Close.
    The template saves to the Infor CRM database. If Save and Close is selected, the editor is closed. The Mail Merge dialog box opens with the current template name in the Template box.
    • Infor CRM merge fields cannot be added to the Subject field of an email.
    • The Infor CRM merge fields are composed of XML, which is case-sensitive. If the case is changed on a merge field, it will not merge.
    • You cannot place Infor CRM merge fields into a text box when creating or editing a template.
    • The template must contain a merge field from the Address table in order to display the Select Type of Address dialog box during a Mail Merge. See Selecting Type of Address for more information.
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