Using the Email Editor

In the Email Editor window you can create a new email template or edit an existing template. Like the Letter and Fax Editors, the Email Editor contains Infor CRM toolbar which give you access to the special template functions as well as many Microsoft Word features.

The Email Editor view displays the following options when editing or creating a template:

Box Description/Action
Insert SLX Field Click to display a menu with commonly used Infor CRM merge fields.
Insert File Click to insert a Windows file as an attachment to the email. This option is only available for an email type template.
Insert Library File Click to insert files from the Library as attachments to the email. This option is only available for an email type template.
Save and Close Click to save the changes made to the template and close the template editor.
Save Click to save the changes made to the template but leave the template editor window open.
Show Allows you to select which of the following email fields display in the editor: From, To, Subject, and Attachments. This option is only available for an email type template.
Message Format Click the arrow to select a message format from the list. This option is only available for an email type template.
Preview Click to view the template as it would be merged with the current record.
SLX Mail Merge Click to launch a Mail Merge.
To: This field is auto-populated with the email address of the contact and cannot be edited from this window.
Subject Click to enter a subject for the email template. When performing a mail merge to this template and selecting Output to Email, the subject line of the Mail Merge will auto-populate with text from the template's subject line.
Show Word Menu Click to display the Microsoft Word Menu.
Edit Fields Click to open the Infor CRM Mail Merge Field Editor window.
Insert Special Field Click to insert a new opportunity product table, SQL statement, or custom mail merge field into the template.
Email Options Click to change email options such as Reply To, Importance and Sensitivity.
Note: When selecting a message format for a template, be aware that although Microsoft Word does not display header and footer information or graphics in an HTML page, it does store the data.
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