Configuring the Website Widget

To configure the Website widget:

  1. In the Edit Widget Settings field, specify a widget title.
  2. In the Website Address field, specify or paste the URL of the website to be added to the dashboard.
    The URL must be in the format
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Accept the Height as the default of 250 pixels.

      This is about the same size as a Group List widget with 10 visible records.

    • Change the Height to any number between 100 and 1000.

      For example, changing the height to 500 pixels makes the widget twice as tall, while changing the height to 125 pixels makes the widget half as tall.

  4. Click OK.
    The website is added to the dashboard. If a blank website is displayed, then either the Website Address is invalid or the website may be unavailable.
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