User management permissions, predefined roles and groups and users

At the User Management level you administer users, groups, and user permissions. There are predefined user management roles.

User management permissions

These are the user management permissions:
Permission Description
Administer User Management Assigned to the Administrator User Management Role. It lets members of the role create, edit and delete users, groups and roles; to change the description of the User Management, and to edit the validity period of the tickets, to administer the rights and Security and to export, to import and to copy user management data. This permission is assigned to the Administrator role.
Edit password This is assigned to the Edit Password User Management Role. Bearers can change their password.
Log On As This is assigned to the Log on As User Management Role. Bearers can use the account of another user.

Predefined user management roles

These are the predefined user management roles:

User management role Description
Administrator Contains the permission Administer User Management.

It is assigned to the user Admin .

Edit Password Contains the permission Change Password . It is assigned to the users Admin and Guest.
Log On As Contains the Log On As permission.

Predefined users

On the Users and Groups tab of the User Management dialog there are two predefined users: Admin and Guest.
User Description
Admin The Admin user may administer users and groups. Admin has the roles Administrator and Edit Password and is assigned to the Every SSO User group.
Guest Guest only has the Edit Password role. This user belongs to the Every SSO User group.

Predefined basic groups

These are the predefined basic groups:
Group Description
Every SSO User Facilitates the user administration in a repository. All users are assigned to this group. At the project, OLAP, and report-catalog level, the role ViewRole is assigned to this group.
Report Designer At the project and report-catalog level the role reportDesignerRole is assigned to the group reportDesigner.
Report Viewer At the project and report-catalog level, the role reportViewerRole is assigned to the Report Viewer group.