Repositioning the dimensions

The slice-dimensions are displayed at the top of an Alea Ad-hoc report.

By default, all but two of the dimensions in the cube are used as slice dimensions. The remaining two dimensions form the columns and rows of the report.

Any of the dimensions can be used as a slice-dimension or as a column or row dimension. And two or more dimensions can be used, at the same time, as the column and row dimensions. For example, by using Products as the row dimension and Regions and Points of Sale as column dimensions, you could report on sales, by region, by point of sale.

You can specify the initial positions of the dimensions in the Define Alea Ad-hoc Report dialog or you can use drag and drop to reposition the dimensions in the report.

See Alea Ad-hoc reports.

A third option is to right-click in the report and select Edit Report. This has the same options as the Define Alea Ad-hoc Report dialog.

See Creating reports from the Alea Ad-hoc Report dialog.

To exchange one dimension with another by drag and drop, drag one dimension over another and drop it when the dimension underneath displays a border around it.

To place two or more dimensions adjacent to each other, drag a dimension and drop it when the dimension underneath displays a border around its bottom edge (slice-dimensions) or right-hand edge (column and row dimensions).

Select which elements to display from each dimension in the Dimension Browser.

SeeUsing the Dimension Browser.