Purchase order events

Use the Purchase Orders tab to select the purchase order events. The events are:

  • Past Due. Purchase Orders due before the current date for which you have not published a shipper.
  • Due Today. Purchase Orders due by the current date for which you have not published a shipper. (If a purchase order is Due Today, it included in Due Next 7 Days as well and will be included in each event link.)
  • Due Within 7 Days. Purchase Orders due within the next seven days for which you have not published a shipper.
  • Unviewed. Purchase orders that you have not yet viewed.
  • With Rejected Items. Purchase Orders with rejected items that you have rejected within the past seven days.
  • With Backordered Items. Purchase Orders that you backordered within the past seven days.

The Purchase Orders tab displays only if your customer uses the Purchase Order module.