Demand Summary Search Criteria page

Use the Demand Summary Search Criteria page to define the search criteria.

Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Ship From
The location from which parts are being shipped. The shipping origin.
Requirement Type
The type of requirement requested by the customer. Possible values:
  • Firm. If this option is selected, the parts are to be scheduled and delivered.
  • Planning. If this option is selected, the customer plans on requiring these parts in the near future and the supplier should prepare to deliver.
  • Immediate. If this option is selected, the parts are delivered immediately.
  • Backlog. If this option is selected, the customer plans on requiring these parts but not in the near future.
Start Date
The date from which to include the demand summaries.
End Date
The date up to which to include the demand summaries.
Include Past Due
Whether requirements due before today are included on the summary. If you would like to view demand for past due requirements, select Include Past Due.
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