Staged Schedule page

Use the Staged Schedule page to view the staged schedule details.

The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Supplier Time Zone
The time zone in which the supplier resides.
Schedule Type
Whether the schedule is for a Material Release or Shipping Schedule. Generally, Material Releases are used for forecast planning and Shipping Schedules are used for JIT ordering. If a Material Release and Shipping Schedule exist for the same part, the Shipping Schedule is used to determine quantities due.
Release Number
Number associated to the file in which the purchase order was sent.
Shipment or Delivery Based
Whether the requirement date is when the part is due to be shipped (shipment) or when it is due to be delivered (delivery).
PO Number
The purchase order associated with the requirements for which parts were shipped.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Release Date
The date the release or purchase order was created by the customer. Displays as the Generation Date on published schedules.
Test or Production
A part status. The purpose of a test is defined by the customer. Typical test requirements are a trial run with no production or shipment of parts required. Production parts are to be produced and shipped.
File Replacement Type
The strategy used to replace existing schedules.

None. Material Release documents are not sent.

Replace by Facility. When a schedule is sent, all current schedules for the facility are removed and the new schedule becomes current.

Replace by Part. When a schedule is sent, all current schedules for the facility and demand combination are removed and the new schedule becomes current.

Replace by Supplier. When a schedule is sent, all current schedules for the facility and supplier combination are removed and the new schedule becomes current.

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