AETC Request page

Use the Request Details page to view and edit AETC requests.

The company responsible for supplying and shipping the part.
Name of the destination issuing demand to which parts are to be sent.
Ship To
Name of the shipping destination to which parts are to be sent.
Ship Date
The date the shipment will be sent.
Request Date
The date the AETC request was made.
Shipper No.
A unique number to identify the shipper. After the shipper is created, the shipper number cannot be edited.
Excess Cost
Indicates the cost for when freight costs exceed the contractual terms.
Remarks made by the supplier about the excess cost.
The code assigned to the expedited shipment indicating that excess freight charges have been approved by the customer. The AETC Number displays in the header of the shipper and Advance Ship Notice (ASN) belonging to the expedited shipment.
Whether or not the customer has approved or denied the AETC request.
The party responsible for paying extra shipping costs associated with an AETC request.
Remarks made by the customer about the excess cost.