SCAC Information page

Use the SCAC Information page to edit and create SCAC codes. The SCAC codes information is included in the shipper information and the ASN report.

The term Carrier Code is used within the messages of a successful insertion, update, or error message because Supplier Exchange maintains BIC and user defined codes.

The SCAC code included in the shipper information.
SCAC Description
The description or name of the code.
Carrier Code Type
Classify the code entered as a SCAC, BIC, or User Defined Code. If a type was not set, "Not Applicable" will display.
Available to Suppliers
The check box is exclusive to the customer. It limits what the supplier is allowed to view in the maintenance page and use when creating a shipper.

Selecting the Buyer Characteristics Allow Supplier to use Own Carrier Codes check box displays all codes.

Commands Description
Add Inserts new rows, which allows for bulk insertion. Only displays when adding new codes.
Cancel Returns to the SCAC list without saving.
Delete Deletes the selected row. Only displays when adding new codes.
Save Saves new and edited code.