Customer Profile page

Use the Customer Profile page to view the customer profile details.

Ship Schedule Commit
The level at which supplier can reject requirements: Schedule Level or Requirement Level. If the information displayed is incorrect, contact your Supplier Exchange consultant.
Adjust Ship Schedule Reject Level
Change the Ship Schedule Reject level for the desired Suppliers. In doing so, the buyer characteristics set by the owner will be ignored.
Expected Supplier Response
The amount of time after a release is published in which suppliers can alter the rejected/accepted status of a requirement or schedule. After this response time expires, the status of the requirements becomes fixed (static).
JIT Tolerance
The amount of leeway given to a shipment before it is considered late or early. For instance, if a requirement is due at noon and the JIT Tolerance is set to 1 hour, the shipment is considered on time if it arrives between 11:00 a.m. (noon MINUS 1 hour) and 1:00 p.m. (noon PLUS one hour).
First Quarter Start
The date on which the first quarter begins.
Generate Defect for Published DMN
Indicates whether the number of defects reported in Defective Material Notices (DMNs) are added to the Parts per Million (PPM) tally.
DMN/DPR Time Frame
The time period for which the Defect Material Notices (DMNs) Issued test and the Delivery Performance Reports (DPRs) Demerits Assessed test are calculated and then averaged over the time range of the Supplier Performance report. For example, if the DMN/DPR Time Frame is set to Weekly and a Supplier Performance report is generated for a time period spanning 10 weeks, the number of DMNs issued and the number of demerits accrued each week is averaged over the 10 week span to determine the tests scores.
Enable Kanban
If selected, the Kanban module is turned on for use. If selected, the rest of the Kanban table section displays.
Auto Replenish Pull Signals
If selected, when a pull signal is consumed, another is automatically generated to replace it and the signal moves to archived status.
Auto Replenish Emergency Pull Signals
Whether emergency signals falling outside the established loop size are automatically replenished when they are consumed. This option is available only if Auto Replenish Pull Signals is selected.
Auto Send Pull Signals
If selected, when a signal is created a requirement is automatically sent to the supplier.
Allow Cancellation of Pull Signals
If selected, customer users can cancel (delete) pull signals after they are created.
Allow Overshipment of Pull Signals
Indicates whether more signals can be shipped or received than currently exist. If selected, the supplier can ship more signals than exist in At Supplier status. The customer can receive more signals than the loop size allows, generating emergency signals to meet the received number of signals and moving all in-transit, at supplier, and emergency signals to in-house status.
Signal Type
The order in which signals are moved through the Kanban signal process.
Days to Retain Signal in Archive
The number of days a signal will remain in the archive after it has been moved from consumed to archived status.
Assign Signal Numbers
Indicates whether signal numbers are established when kanban parts are set up. If selected, the setup API must contain the signal numbers to be used for signals in each status. If not selected, signal numbers are automatically generated and cannot be sent in the API.
Next Signal Number
The next number to be assigned to a Supplier Exchange-generated kanban signal. Because signals numbers are unique by facility, each facility has its own next signal number setting. Increments as signals are generated.
Current Work Order ID
The next work order number to be used when creating a work order. This number is automatically incremented each time a work order is created but can be overridden at any time.
Defect Tolerance
The percentage at which a warning alert is generated when a defect is reported.
Scrap Tolerance
The percentage at which an alert is generated when scrap is reported.
Shipping Discrepancy
The percentage at which an alert is generated when received quantities do not match shipped quantities.
Processing Tolerance
The number of days at which an alert is generated when the actual process duration is greater than the anticipated duration.
SMI Suggested Qty. Calculation Method
The way in which the suggested quantity is calculated.
  1. Method 1: The result of this is converted to standard pack: (MAX - MIN)/2 + MIN - QOH - QIT
  4. Method 2/Case 3: QTY_PROD2 = ADR * DAYS_PROD2: If ((QOH + QIT - MIN - CUR) < QTY_PROD2) AND (DAYS_PROD2 = > DAYS_IN_TRANS) then SHIP_QTY = QTY_PROD2 - QOH - QIT + MIN + CUR and SHIP_DATE = Second receipt day

Variables used:

  • QOH = Quantity on hand
  • QIT = Quantity In-Transit
  • STDPCK = Standard Pack
  • MIN = Minimum Quantity
  • MAX = Maximum Quantity
  • CUR = Cumulative Undrrun (Currently Zero)
  • ADR = Average Daily Release
  • INTR = In-transit Quantity
  • INTRDAYS = In-transit Time in days
  • Scheduled Receipt Dates (whether it is Mon to Friday or Mon to Sunday)
    • 1st Receipt date
    • 2nd Receipt date
  • DAYS_ PROD1 = Number of Production days between today and 1st receipt date including the 1st receipt date.
  • DAYS_ PROD2 = Number of Production days between today and 2nd receipt date NOT including the 2nd receipt date.
Current DPR ID
The next ID to be used when creating a delivery performance review .
DPR Response Window Days
The number of days suppliers have to respond to a delivery performance review after it is issued. The DPR Response Due is calculated by adding the Response Window to the issue date.
DPR Corrective Action Form
A form suppliers are required to fill out and attach to delivery performance reviews. To link the form to the system, click Add or Update to navigate to the form.
DPR Response Required
The suppliers who must, by default, respond to delivery performance reviews. If a subset of suppliers are required to respond, select 'Selected Suppliers' and click the Edit List button to select suppliers.
DPR Auto Generation
The suppliers for which delivery performance reviews are automatically generated. If a subset of suppliers are required to respond, select 'Selected Suppliers' and click the Edit List button to select suppliers. DPRs are automatically generated by comparing requirements and receipts.
Current DMN ID
The next ID to be used when creating a defective material notice.
DMN Containment Response Window Days
The number of days suppliers have to respond with a containment response to a defective materials notice after it is issued. The DMN Containment Response Due is calculated by adding the Response Window to the issue date.
DMN Corrective Response Window Days
The number of days suppliers have to respond with a corrective response to a defective materials notice after it is issued. The DMN Corrective Response Due is calculated by adding the Response Window to the issue date.
DMN Corrective Action Form
A form suppliers are required to fill out and attach to defective material notices. To link the form to the system, click Add or Update to navigate to the form.
DMN Auto Generation
The suppliers for which defective material notices are automatically generated. If a subset of suppliers are required to respond, select 'Selected Suppliers' and click the Edit List button to select suppliers. DMNs are automatically generated from imported defect quantities.
DMN Containment Response Required
The suppliers who must, by default, respond with a containment action to defective material notices. If a subset of suppliers are required to respond, select 'Selected Suppliers' and click the Edit List button to select suppliers.
DMN Corrective Response Required
The suppliers who must, by default, respond with a corrective action to defective material notices. If a subset of suppliers are required to respond, select 'Selected Suppliers' and click the Edit List button to select suppliers.
Current PPAP ID
The next ID to be used when creating a production part approval process.
DPR Quantity Variance
When DPR Auto Generation is selected, the tolerance for over and under quantities. If the quantity received is not within the quantity variance of the required quantity, a DPR is generated.
Billing Discount Account Number
The account number set up with the supplier to provide discounts. This account number will be added to received (exported) invoices.
Enable Global Track & Trace
If selected, the Global Track & Trace module is turned on for use. If selected, the rest of the Global Track & Trace table section displays.
Route Definition Responsibility
Indicates who is responsible for defining routes - individuals at the customer company (internal) or personnel at the shipping company (external). If internal is selected, the customer must define at least one Route Template.
Shipment Status Update Type
Whether full or partial shipment updates are received from shipment managers. A full update contains estimated and actual (if available) arrival dates about all checkpoints within a shipment's life cycle including the estimated delivery date. A partial update contains estimated and actual arrival dates about specific checkpoints and Supplier Exchange then determines the estimated delivery date.
Current Proposed PO Number
The number to be assigned to the next manually created Proposed PO. Incremented with each Proposed PO created.
Current PO Acknowledgment Number
The number to be assigned to the next generated PO Acknowledgment. Incremented with each acknowledgment created.
Proposed PO Response Window
The number of days suppliers have to accept or reject proposed POs. After the response window, suppliers are considered to be late.
Proposed PO Modifiable Elements
The specific PO items that are negotiable by supplier. Settings include part number, unit price, order quantity, and required date.
Ignore Fulfillment on Replace
If selected, Supplier Exchange will ignore any fulfillment that has been performed against the original purchase order quantity. In other words, if the customer sends a replacement purchase order with a revised quantity, Supplier Exchange will not consider parts shipped against the original purchase order when determining the demand quantity to be fulfilled.

This function is made available to customers whose ERP systems do not provide visibility to the original discrete PO quantity, but rather only to the revised, or "new" quantity on the replacement PO.

Adjust PO Reject Level
Change the PO Reject level for the desired suppliers. In doing so, the buyer characteristics set by the owner will be ignored.
Bar Code Packing Slip Preference
Which data is bar coded on the packing slip. Ranges from none to all.
Containers On Shipper Required
Change the Definition, Allow Mixed Containers, and Serial Numbers on Ship Notice for the desired suppliers. In doing so, the buyer characteristics set by the owner will be ignored.