Part Information page

Use the Part Information page to view the part details.

Part Number
Part number as established by the customer.
Customer-defined description of the part.
Unit of Measure
Abbreviation that indicates how the part is ordered; for example, by individual unit, hundreds, thousands, foot, yards, gallons, pair, etc. Common unit of measure abbreviations are EA (each), PC (piece), HU (hundreds), TH (thousands).
Commodity Code
Alphanumeric representation of the type of merchandise.
Hazardous Material
Description of hazardous materials and special instructions for shipping and handling of the part. The description can text or an alphanumeric code.
Bar Code Part Number
The part number as it is scanned from a bar code. The scanning often replaces dashes, percents, and other special characters with a space. If nothing is entered, the Bar Code Part Number defaults to the Part Number.
Whether or not the part is used during manufacturing.
Safety Item
Whether the part is used to manufacture a component required to pass certain safety standards and inspections.
Lot Controlled
Whether the part is associated to a numeric code representing the batch in which it was manufactured and the process used. If selected, suppliers must include a lot number on shippers and ASNs for this part.
Outside Processing
This option and it's related fields are only visible if the Outside Processing module is enabled. If this check box is selected, the part is sent for external processing and therefore controlled and monitored by the Outside Processing module.
Part Weight
The weight of one part. Used in calculating net weight on shippers.
Part Weight Unit of Measure
How the Part Weight is being measured, e.g. KG - kilograms, LB - pounds, etc.
Default Container
The container generally used to ship the part.
Tare Weight
The weight of the container when empty.
Units Per
The number of parts usually shipped in the container. (For master containers, Units Per is the total number of parts, not the number of detail containers.)
The name of the destination that is issuing a demand.
Ship To
The name of the shipping destination to which parts are shipped.
Template Code
The alphanumeric code of the template. The template code is defined for the package.
The description or name of the code.
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