EMC definitions

The events that display depend on the role assigned to you by your Supplier Exchange administrator. After you configure your EMC, events can display as priority items, in their category table, or not at all. This section describes the options that can display on the EMC.


  • Past Due. Releases that are due before the current date and for which your suppliers have not sent ASNs.
  • Due Today. Releases that are due on the current date.
  • Past Due. Releases that are due before the current date and for which your suppliers have not sent ASNs.
  • Due Within 7 Days. Releases that are due within the next seven days.
  • Schedule with Rejected Requirements. Schedules that have either been rejected or that have rejected requirements. (This event displays only if you have enabled your suppliers to reject requirements.)
  • Emergency Requirements. Emergency requirements that were manually entered through Supplier Exchange within the last seven days.
  • Open Premium Freight Authorizations. Authorizations for expedited shipments that you have created and published for which your supplier has not yet created a shipper.
  • Exceeded Net Change. Requirements that exceed your established net change threshold in the current schedule.
  • SMI Part Over Suggested Quantity. Parts for which the inventory level is currently over the suggested quantity.
  • SMI Part Under Suggested Quantity. Parts for which the inventory level is currently under the suggested quantity.
  • Release Unviewed. Requirements that have not been opened by the supplier through the application. (The schedules have been viewed but the individual requirements were not opened with the View icon.)

Purchase Orders

  • Past Due. Purchase Orders that are due before the current date and for which your suppliers have not published a shipper. (This event displays only if you have sent a purchase order in the past 30 days.)
  • With Rejected Items. Purchase Orders with items that your suppliers rejected within the past seven days.
  • With Backordered Items. Purchase Orders that your suppliers backordered within the past seven days.


  • Staged Shipments. Shippers that your suppliers have created but not yet published as an ASN.
  • ASNs Published Today. ASNs sent by your suppliers today.
  • In Transit. Shipments in transit. If your customer characteristic is set to update in-transit shippers when new schedules are published, in-transit shipments are shipments with published shippers (sent ASNs) with a ship date and time after the ship date and time of the last shipment received. Otherwise, in-transit shipments have published shippers (sent ASNs) with an Expected Arrival Date and Time after the current date and time.
  • Early Shipments Past 7 Days. Shipments that were sent by your suppliers within the past seven days that are expected to arrive before the requirement due date. If a supplier has overshipped and fulfilled planning requirements, these shipments will show up in Over Shipped Releases.
  • Late Shipments Past 7 Days. Shipments that were sent by your suppliers within the past seven days that are due before the current date but which have not yet arrived.
  • Under Shipped Past 7 Days. Releases that your suppliers have under shipped in the past seven days. Based on your suppliers' ASNs.
  • Over Shipped Past 7 Days. Releases that your supplier has overshipped within the past seven days. Based on your suppliers' ASNs.
  • Pending AETC. AETC request pending your approval.
  • Premium Freight Authorization Shipped Today. Expedited shipments you authorized that your supplier shipped today.
  • Premium Freight Authorization Shipped Past 7 Days. Expedited shipments you authorized that your supplier shipped within the past seven days.
  • Premium Freight Authorization Staged for Shipment. Expedited shipment for which your supplier has created a shipper, but which has not yet been shipped.
  • CUM Schedule Ahead. If using CUM management, parts and scheduled for which the supplier is currently overshipped. (CUM Shipped is greater than CUM Required.)
  • CUM Schedule Behind. If using CUM management, parts and scheduled for which the supplier is currently undershipped (CUM Shipped is less than than CUM Required.)

Proposed PO

  • Created in the Last 7 Days. Proposed purchase orders created within the last 7 days.
  • Supplier Response Past Due. Proposed purchase orders for which the supplier is late accepting line items.
  • Response Required. Proposed purchase orders awaiting customer approval.
  • Rejected by Supplier. Proposed purchase orders that have been rejected by the supplier.


  • Registered (Online). Supplier Exchange suppliers (non-VAN) that have registered for Supplier Exchange.
  • Not Registered. Supplier Exchange (non-VAN) suppliers that have not yet registered for Supplier Exchange.
  • Have Not Logged on Past 7 Days. Suppliers that have not accessed Supplier Exchange within the past seven days.
  • Have Logged on Past 7 Days. Suppliers that have logged on in the past seven days.
  • With Unviewed Messages. Suppliers who have messages from you that they have not yet read.
  • VAN Supplier. Suppliers who are VAN users and do not use Supplier Exchange to communicate.
  • Have Sent ASNs Past 7 Days. Suppliers that have sent an ASN within the past seven days.
  • Have Not Sent ASNs Past 7 Days. Suppliers that have not sent an ASN within the past seven days.


  • Published Today. Receipts that you sent today.
  • Published Past 7 Days. Receipts that you sent within the past seven days.
  • Receiving Discrepancies. Receipts that you sent within the past seven days that had discrepancies with your ASN.
  • Published Without ASN. Receipts that you sent within the last seven days that do not match a valid ASN in Supplier Exchange.

Problem Reporting

  • DPRs to Be Published. Saved Delivery Performance Reviews (DPRs) that have not been published for the supplier to view.
  • DPRs Published Past 7 Days. Delivery Performance Reviews (DPRs) published within the past seven days.
  • DPRs with Response to Be Reviewed. Delivery Performance Reviews (DPRs) to which a supplier has responded with actions and that require an acceptance or rejection of the actions.
  • DPRs with Late Response. Delivery Performance Reviews (DPRs) with a required response before the current date and to which the supplier has not yet responded.
  • DMNs to Be Published. Saved Defective Material Notices (DMNs) that have not been published for the supplier to view.
  • DMNs with Late Response. Defective Material Notices (DMNs) with a required response before the current date and to which the supplier has not yet responded.
  • DMNs with Containment Response to Be Reviewed. Defective Material Notices (DMNs) to which a supplier has responded with containment actions and that require an acceptance or rejection of the actions.
  • DMNs with Corrective Response to Be Reviewed. Defective Material Notices (DMNs) to which a supplier has responded with corrective actions and that require an acceptance or rejection of the actions.
  • PPAPs Ready to Be Published. Saved Production Part Approval Processes (PPAPa) that have not been published for the supplier to view.


  • Miscellaneous Invoices Published Today. Miscellaneous Invoices published by your suppliers today.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Published Past 7 Days. Miscellaneous Invoices published by your suppliers within the past seven days.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Republished Today. Miscellaneous Invoices that were published, updated, and then republished by your suppliers today.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Republished Past 7 Days. Miscellaneous Invoices that were published, updated, and then republished by your suppliers within the past seven days.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Cancelled Today. Miscellaneous Invoices cancelled by your suppliers today.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Cancelled Past 7 Days. Miscellaneous Invoices cancelled by your suppliers within the past seven days.
  • Production Invoices Published Today. Production Invoices published by your suppliers today.
  • Production Invoices Published Past 7 Days. Production Invoices published by your suppliers within the past seven days.
  • Production Invoices Republished Today. Production Invoices that were published, updated, and then republished by your suppliers today.
  • Production Invoices Republished Past 7 Days. Production Invoices that were published, updated, and then republished by your suppliers within the past seven days.
  • Production Invoices Cancelled Today. Production Invoices cancelled by your suppliers today.
  • Production Invoices Cancelled Past 7 Days. Production Invoices cancelled by your suppliers within the past seven days.

Outside Processing

  • Receipt Discrepancy Warning. Operations for which the percentage of discrepancies is at or above the Warning Receiving Discrepancies tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Receipt Discrepancy Severe. Operations for which the percentage of discrepancies is at or above the Severe Receiving Discrepancies tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Defective Material Warning. Operations for which the percentage of defective parts is at or above the Warning Defect Tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Defective Material Severe. Operations for which the percentage of defective parts is at or above the Severe Defect Tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Scrapped Material Warning. Operations for which the percentage of scrapped parts is at or above the Warning Scrap Tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Scrapped Material Severe. Operations for which the percentage of scrapped parts is at or above the Severe Scrap Tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Operation Exceeds Duration Warning. Operations that have exceeded the expected duration by the number of days of the Warning Processing Tolerance as set in the operation.
  • Operation Exceeds Severe. Operations that have exceeded the expected duration by the number of days of the Severe Processing Tolerance as set in the operation.