Alert definitions

Customer users can choose to be alerted of the events that are described in this section. If you choose to be alerted, an email message is sent to your email address when the event occurs. You will be notified of events for only the suppliers, facilities, and Ship To locations your admin user has allowed for your restriction group. If the admin has not assigned you a restriction group, you will get notifications of events for every supplier, facility and Ship To. You can further restrict alerts to notify you only of certain parts by assigning product groups.

Demand alerts

  • Requirement Rejected. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier rejects a requirement. (This option displays only if you allow suppliers to reject requirements.)
  • Schedule Rejected. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier rejects a schedule of requirements. (This option displays only if you allow suppliers to reject schedules.)
  • Customer Net Change Threshold Exceeded. If selected, an alert is sent when a current demand schedule varies from the previous demand schedule by more than the established net change threshold. You establish the net change for each product group by editing the alert.
  • New Part. If selected, an alert is sent when a part is added to Supplier Exchange. New parts are available to be added to product groups.
  • New Demand - Shipper ID Not Found. If selected, an alert is sent when a demand release is published to Supplier Exchange that contains a shipper ID (indicating the last shipment received) that does not exist in Supplier Exchange. (This option displays only if you apply in-transit shipments to the fulfillment of newly published schedules.)
  • Shipment Adjustment. If selected, an alert is sent when the CUM Shipped is manually adjusted through the application.
  • CUM Reset. If selected, an alert is sent when the customer initiates a CUM reset.

Shipper alerts

  • Under Shipment. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier sends an ASN for a partially filled requirement.
  • Over Shipment. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier sends an ASN for a shipment containing more parts than listed on the requirement.
  • Early Shipment Past 7 Days. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier sends an ASN for a shipment that is due to arrive before the requirement due date.
  • Late Shipment Past 7 Days. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier sends an ASN for a shipment that is due to arrive after the requirement due date.
  • Cancellation ASN Published. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier sends a Cancellation ASN.
  • ASN ESB Transmission Error. If selected, an alert is sent when a ConfirmBod is sent by the ESB due to an error with the AdvanceShipNotice.

PO alerts

Purchase order alerts display only if you use the Purchase Order module.

  • PO Line Item Accepted. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier accepts a line item on a purchase order.
  • PO Line Item Backordered. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier backorders a purchase order line item. (This option displays only if you allow suppliers to backorder items.)
  • PO Line Item Rejected. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier rejects a line item on a purchase order.
  • PO Rejected. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier rejects a purchase order.
  • PO Accepted. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier accepts a purchase order.
  • Purchase Order Changed. If selected, an alert is sent when a SyncPurchaseOrder is received that changes data in the DPO.

AETC alerts

AETC alerts display only if you use the AETC module.

  • Supplier AETC Request. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier makes and AETC request.
  • Shipper with an AETC Published. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier publishes a shipper that contains an approved AETC code.
  • Shipper with an AETC Deleted. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier deletes an unpublished shipper attached to an AETC request.

Metrics alerts

Metrics alerts display only if you use the Metrics module.

  • Metrics Generated. If selected, an alert is sent when a metrics report has been fully generated. Creating metrics can take more than a few minutes. We recommend you select this alert to be alerted when the report has been created.
  • Metrics Generation Failure. If selected, an alert is sent if there is a failure during metrics generation.

Premium freight alerts

Premium freight alerts display only if you use the Premium Freight module.

  • Shipper with an AETC Published. If selected, an alert is sent when your supplier publishes a shipper in response to a premium freight authorization.
  • Deleted Shippers with AETCs. If selected, an alert is sent when your supplier deletes a shipper in response to a premium freight authorization.
  • Premium Freight Authorization Cancelled If selected, an alert is sent when you cancel a premium freight authorization for .an expedited shipment.
  • New Premium Freight Authorization. If selected, an alert is sent when you publish a premium freight authorization for an expedited shipment.

Kanban alerts

Kanban alerts display only if you use the Premium Freight module.

  • Emergency Signals Created. If selected, an alert is sent when an emergency Kanban signal is created.
  • Signal Cancelled. If selected, an alert is sent when a Created or At Supplier Kanban signal is cancelled (removed from Supplier Exchange).
  • On Hand Shortage of Kanban Parts. If selected, an alert is sent when the In-House Kanban signals fall below the Minimum Number of Pull Signals.
  • Excess of Kanban Signals. If selected, an alert is sent when the total of Created, At Supplier, In-Transit, and In-House Kanban signals exceeds the Pull Loop Size.
  • Loop Size Modified. If selected, an alert is sent when the Pull Loop Size is changed.
  • Standard Pack Size Modified. If selected, an alert is sent when the Standard Pack is changed.
  • Minimum Number of Signals Modified. If selected, an alert is sent when the Minimum Number of Pull Signals is changed.
  • Non-standard Pack Received. If selected, an alert is sent when a shipment in a non-standard pack is received.

EDI alerts

  • ASN Store Failed. If selected, an alert is sent if an imported ASN (EDIFACT 856) fails to be stored. The alert contains the supplier and shipper number.
  • ASN Validation Failed. If selected, an alert is sent if an imported ASN (EDIFACT 856) fails the validation process. The alert contains the supplier and shipper number.

DMN alerts

DMN alerts display only if you use the DMN module.

  • DMN Containment Response Past Due. If selected, an alert is sent if a required containment response is past due.
  • DMN Corrective Response Past Due. If selected, an alert is sent if a required corrective response is past due.
  • DMN with Containment Response to be Reviewed. If selected, an alert is sent when the supplier submits a containment response for approval.
  • DMN with Corrective Response to be Reviewed. If selected, an alert is sent when the supplier submits a corrective response for approval

Miscellaneous invoice alerts

Miscellaneous Invoice alerts display only if you use the Miscellaneous Invoice module.

  • Miscellaneous Invoices Published. If selected, an alert is sent when the supplier publishes invoices.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Cancelled. If selected, an alert is sent when the supplier cancels previously published invoices.
  • Miscellaneous Invoices Republished. If selected, an alert is sent when the supplier republishes previously cancelled invoices.

DPR alerts

DPR alerts display only if you use the DPR module.

  • DPR Response Past Due. If selected, an alert is sent if a required supplier response is past due.
  • DPR Response Past Due. If selected, an alert is sent if a required supplier response is past due.

SMI alerts

SMI alerts display only if you use the SMI module.

  • SMI Part Below Minimum Level. If selected, an alert is sent when the inventory level falls below the minimum level.
  • SMI Part Above Maximum Level. If selected, an alert is sent when the inventory level rises above the maximum level.

Receipt alerts

Receipt alerts display only if you use the Receipt module.

  • Receipt Published. If selected, an alert is sent when a receipt is published.
  • Receipt Without Matching ASN. If selected, an alert is sent when a receipt for which there is not an ASN is published.
  • Receipt with Discrepancies. If selected, an alert is sent when a receipt is published and the total received quantity does not match the total sent quantity on the ASN.

Inventory projection alerts

Inventory Projection alerts display only if you use the Global Track and Trace module.

  • Inventory Stoppage. If selected, an alert is sent when a the inventory of a long-distance part reaches the established tolerance for inventory stoppage.
  • Inventory Shortage Level Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the inventory of a long-distance part reaches the established tolerance for shortage level.

Shipment tracking alerts

Shipment Tracking alerts display only if you use the Global Track and Trace module. These alerts are used only for long-distance shipments.

  • Shipment Early. If selected, an alert is sent when a shipment arrives at a checkpoint earlier than expected.
  • Shipment Delayed. If selected, an alert is sent when a shipment due to arrive but has not yet arrived at a checkpoint.

Outside processing alerts

Outside Processing alerts display only if you use the Outside Processing module.

  • Receipt Discrepancy. Warning Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of discrepancy is at or above the Warning tolerance for Shipping Discrepancy as set in the operation for a particular part.
  • Receipt Discrepancy. Severe Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of discrepancy is at or above the Severe tolerance for Shipping Discrepancy as set in the operation for a particular part.
  • Defective Material. Warning Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of defective parts is at or above the Warning Defect Tolerance as set in the operation for a particular part.
  • Defective Material. Severe Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of defective parts is at or above the Severe Defect Tolerance as set in the operation for a particular part.
  • Scrapped Material. Warning Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of scrapped parts is at or above the Warning Scrap Tolerance as set in the operation for a particular part.
  • Scrapped Material. Severe Threshold Reached. If selected, an alert is sent when the percentage of scrappedparts is at or above the Severe Scrap Tolerance as set in the operation for a particular part.

CUM management alerts

CUM management alerts display only if the application is configured to track CUMs.

  • Shipment Adjustment. If selected, an alert is sent when the CUM Shipped is manually adjusted through the application.
  • High Fab Mat Change. If selected, an alert is sent when changes are made to the High Fabrication or High Material CUM quantities.
  • CUM Reset. If selected, an alert is sent when the customer initiates a CUM reset.

Proposed PO alerts

Proposed PO alerts display only if you use the Proposed PO module.

  • Proposed PO Line Item Rejected. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier rejects an item on a proposed PO.
  • Proposed PO Finalized. If selected, an alert is sent when the negotiation process is over for a proposed PO.
  • Discrete PO Negotiation Initiated. If selected, an alert is sent when negotiation of PO terms begins from an existing discrete PO.
  • Response to be Reviewed. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier response is awaiting customer approval.
  • Response Past Due. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier is late in accepting items on a proposed purchase order.
  • Proposed PO Line Item Accepted. If selected, an alert is sent when a supplier accepts an item on a proposed PO.
  • Proposed PO Approval Error. If selected, an alert is sent when a ConfirmBod or an AcknowledgePurchaseOrder bod is received that indicates that there was an error with the PPO which was sent to the ESB/ERP for final approval.

Production invoice alerts

Production Invoice alerts display only if you use the Production Invoice module.

  • Production Invoice Published. If selected, an alert is sent when a production invoice is published.
  • Production Invoice Cancelled. If selected, an alert is sent when a production invoice is cancelled.
  • Production Invoice Republished. If selected, an alert is sent when a production invoice is republished.
  • Production Invoice Deleted. If selected, an alert is sent when a production invoice is deleted.