Defective Material Notice page

Use the Defective Material Notice page to view the DMN details.

You can modify the values in these fields after the DMN is published:

Click the Header Information tab to edit:

  • Rejected Tag Number
  • Sample Quantity
  • PO Number
  • Received Quantity
  • Rejected Quantity
  • Quantity Non-Conforming

Click the Problem Description tab to edit:

  • Problem Description
  • Customer Attached Files

Click the Disposition tab to edit:

  • Code Description
  • Notes
  • Supplier Charge
  • Charge Description

Click the Claims tab to edit:

  • Amount. Changes are made right on the grid itself.
  • Units. Changes are made right on the grid itself.
Sample Quantity
The number of parts tested.
PO Number
The purchase order associated with the requirements for which parts were shipped.
Receipt Number
The corresponding receipt, if any.
Unique identifier of the notification.
Reject Tag Number
A unique identifier for the lot of defective parts.
Received Date
When the shipment was received.
Rejected By
The name or identification of the person reporting defects.
Reason Code
Customer-defined code used to indicate why the parts are being rejected.
Warning Only
Whether or not the defects will count against the supplier in performance evaluations. If Yes is selected, the defects will not be included in metrics. If No is selected, the defects will be included in metrics.
Received Quantity
The number of parts received in the shipment.
Rejected Quantity
The number of units rejected.

You can modify the quantity after the Defective Material Notice is published to the supplier or closed. The metrics is calculated on the basis of the updated rejected quantity.

Quantity Non-Conforming
The number of parts sampled that did not meet the standards.
Source of Defect
The reason the part is rejected.
Problem Description
Explanation of the defects found.
Customer Attached Files
Attach new files or delete files attached to the Defective Material Notice (DMN) data.
  • You must save the DMN before adding attachments.
  • You can only delete the files you have attached.
  • A mail alert is sent to the supplier, after a new file is attached.
Code Description
An explanation of the action to be taken on the rejected material.
Additional information about the action to be taken.
Supplier Charge
The amount the supplier is to pay in response to the problem.
Charge Description
Explanation of the Supplier Charge. Close
Supplier Authorization
Name or identification code of the person authorizing the disposition.
Return Authorization Number
Number assigned to the rejected material to validate it as an acceptable return.
The telephone number of the person named in the supplier authorization.
Authorization Date
When the disposition was authorized.
Containment Response Required
Whether or not an action is required of the supplier to indicate that the problem has been identified and further incidents are prevented.
Containment Response Due
The date by which a containment action must be performed and indicated on the DMN.
Corrective Response Required
Whether or not the supplier must identify a long term measure to prevent the problem from reoccurring.
Corrective Response Due
The date by which a corrective action must be performed and indicated on the DMN.
The name or code of the claim. You can define the claim code in the DMN Codes page.
The description of the claim code.
The amount to be claimed from the supplier. You cannot modify the claim amount after the DMN is closed.
The unit is multiplied by the claim amount to calculate the extended amount. Note

The default units are set to one. You cannot modify the claim units after the DMN is closed.

Extended Amount
The amount multiplied by the unit.
Total Claim Amount
The sum of all the amounts to be claimed from the supplier, for all the claims.
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